Using FCam in university courses
FCam has been used in university courses on computational photography at Stanford and ETH Zurich. In these courses students were able to write an autofocus algorithm for a Nokia N900 in about one week. An assignment like this would have been impossible before FCam. Students then went on to create dozens of interesting computational photography applications for the N900.
FCam tutorial at ICCV 2011
There was a full-day tutorial on use of FCam at ICCV 2011, the materials for the course are available here. There was also a course at SPIE Electronic Imaging 2011 (and will be at SPIE EI 2012), and at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011.
Qt Slideware
Qt is the main GUI library for writing FCam applications on N900 (and a nice GUI system for many other platforms too). Qt has prepared slide sets (in pdf, odp, ppt) for teaching Qt in your courses.
Loaner N900s for university courses in the Americas
Nokia has reserved a number of Nokia N900s to loan out for computational photography courses in universities in North and South America. Unfortunately we don't have enough devices to support the whole world. If you are interested in organizing such a course, please contact timo.ahonen@nokia.com.
NSF grant for university courses in U.S. universities
We have a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to produce courseware and distribute FCam-capable devices (including N900s and our custom-built Frankencameras) for computational photography courses at universities within the United States. More information about this project can be found here.